About Dairy Data
Dairy Data was founded by James Cleary in 2023, to work with dairy farmers in the mid-west of Ireland to improve their productivity with effective milk recording.

About James Cleary
James graduated from University College Dublin in 2021 with a BAgrSc Animal and Crop Production degree.
James and his father have a dairy herd of 140 cows so from a young age he has always had a huge passion and interest in dairy farming.
Since graduating he has been working with Grasstec Group in the Farm Mapping and Farm Yard Design departments.
This enabled him to carry out various work on farms all over Ireland, Northern Ireland and the UK surveying for cattle underpasses and greenfield sites for the construction of parlours, cubicle sheds and calf sheds.
- James has also spent some time working with Dan O’ Connor feeds, Kepak and Teagasc on college placements.