Dairy Data Milk Recording Services

Our professional team will assist you in making milk recording as hassle-free as possible through the use of our new Electronic Milk Meters.

About Dairy Data Milk Recording

Dairy Data is a Tipperary based company, who work with dairy farmers in Tipperary and surrounding counties, providing a milk recording service. We are a relatively new company and what makes us different is that we are local to our service area, can work to the farmer’s schedule and can provide a technician, if required for the milk recording. We are members of the ICBF, the governing body for milk recording and we record for all creameries – ArrabawnDairygoldTirlanKerryTipperary Co-op and Centenary Co-op.

Dairy Data Service Area in Ireland

Our service area covers Tipperary, Limerick, Clare, Galway, Offaly, Laois and Kilkenny.

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Dairy Data in the News

  • Dairy Data Shakes Up Milk Recording in Munster

    Dairy Data Shakes Up Milk Recording in Munster

    In a recent article by Breifne O’Brien on the Agriland website, Dairy Data is featured as a new startup company entering the milk recording sphere. Link to article on Agriland Site. Here is a summary of the article. Tipperary dairy farmer James Cleary is making a name for himself with his new milk recording company,

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Change Starts with a Single Step

Our professional team will assist you in making milk recording as hassle-free as possible through the use of our new Electronic Milk Meters.

The Benefits of Milk Recording

Identify poor performing cows

Accurately identify your poor performing cows

The production summary report outlines the key milking performance figures for reach individual cow. Your most profitable and least profitable cows are easily identified by the Margin Per Day breakdown.

Identify High SCC cows

Identify high SCC cows

Identify high SCC cows at an early stage. Cows are categorised into four groups on our Production Report. Remember, more milk is produced from low SCC cows.

Breeding High yield cows

Inform management decisions on breeding & culling

Select which cows to cull in the herd and which cows to breed from. Your cows are ranked and colour coded according to Top 20% green and Bottom 20% red.

Improve herd genetics

Improve overall herd genetics

Allowing farmers to select the correct bull for a specific cow. By breeding from the best you are simultaneously improving your herd genetics.

Increasce value of herd

Increase the value of your herd

Receive more bonus’ on your milk price by lowering your SCC value while also increasing the milk solids per cow. Having the milk recording records will also increase the value of your cow when it comes to a sale.

What My Clients are Saying

Latest from our Blog


10 months ago

In a recent article by Breifne O’Brien on the Agriland website, Dairy Data is featured as a new startup company entering the milk recording sphere. Link to article on Agriland Site. Here is a summary of the article. Tipperary dairy farmer James Cleary is making a name for himself with his new milk recording company,


1 year ago

Exploring the complex history of milk recording reveals a mix of innovations and challenges. Originating from simple beginnings, this practice has significantly influenced the dairy sector’s development and standards across regions. Throughout its advancement, various disputes emerged surrounding testing inaccuracies and inconsistent practices. Recognizing the need for uniformity, European countries established an international organization in


1 year ago

Welcome to our article on “Winning the Battle Against Mastitis: Proven Strategies for a Healthy Herd.” Dairy farmers face the challenge of combating mastitis in their herds. With evidence-based practices and practical solutions, we will explore how to effectively manage somatic cell count levels, identify and manage infected cows, protect uninfected cows, practice proper teat

We asked our farmers who milk recorded this year..

Why do you milk record?

” To identify high SCC cows and cows we want to breed from to improve the herds genetics”

“For selective dry cow therapy at the end of the year”

“To improve the overall performance of the herd and herd health”

What benefits have you seen?

“Lower SCC in the herd, Improved milk solids and better heifers coming through”

“Breeding from better performing cows with sexed AI, Less mastitis in the herd due to culling and good treatment”

“Steady improvement in milk solids”

“Fine tuning my herd by culling poorer performing cows and carefully selecting my straws for each cow to improve my herd genetics”

What do farmers misunderstand about milk recording?

“That’s it is too complicated for ‘’me’’.

“People think its expensive but that is not true, it is definitely worth it for the data that is got back”

“It can be a difficult task at the beginning getting trained to work the meters but it is definitely worth it”

What would you tell other farmers about milk recording?

“For the new dry cow regulations, milk recording identifies the cows that need and don’t need dry cow antibiotics”

“You will be very surprised about how the cows you think are best/worst are actually performing”

“Great benefits if the information is used correctly. You cannot make decisions on the future without knowing what you have now”

When you began what problems did you have to overcome?

“Getting the hang of it the first few recordings. Yes the meters can be sensitive with small air holes and bar code scanners so just be patient and you will learn a few tricks overtime on how to solve these straight away”

“I find working the meters a job in itself in my 30 unit parlour so I am happy to have a technician in the parlour to work the meters and bottles while I just milk like normal”